Wooded oasis located on Monte Rossello which houses the historic homonymous lighthouse of the Italian Navy. The total area of about 21 hectares is cultivated for a modest part (three hectares) with vegetables (beans, peas, beans, spinach etc) for the remaining (hectares 17.89.10) between Mediterranean scrub and woods of Aleppo pine, eucalyptus rostrata, myoporo, acacia, tamericio, euphorbia, dwarf palm. from areas destined to pasture and from the wood refuge for insects, autochthonous game (rabbit-porcupine- hedgehog- fox-weasel etc) and birds that are so resident that they pass (pigeon, wood pigeon, kite, cormorant, heron, stork, flamingos rose, jay, hoopoe etc). Pair of doves nest on the cliffs, those of pigeons among the eucalyptus while the cormorants stand on the rocks in front and the storks fish in the sand-covered dock below.